Million Billion to Lakh Crore - Converter
In International number system large numbers are represented with Millions, Billions and Trillions, While in Indian Number system the large numbers are represented with Lakhs, Crore, Arab etc. The converter converts values from International Number format which uses Millions, Billions, Trillions etc. to Indian Number System Format which uses Lakhs, Crores etc. and vice versa. This tool converts number as well as currency from Million, Billion dollars to lakh, crore Indian Rupees.
There are difference in writing format also, the grouping and separation of numbers is different in Indian and International System. For make harmony with International system nowadays large numbers are representing with Thousand and lakh Crore units instead of Arabs, Kharabs, Shankh, Mahashnkh units.
Converter Feature:
This app can do multiple conversion at same time. This app works bidirectional can convert International to Indian and vice versa also. Along with Numbers this app can convert large amount values like Million and Billions Dollars into equivalent Lakh Crore Rupees, in current exchange rates.
- Convert Millions to Lakhs, Crores: The tool can convert numbers written in million to lakh, crore format used in Indian number system.
- Convert Billions to Lakhs, Crores: The tool can convert numbers written in Billions to lakh, crore format used in Indian number system.
- Convert Trillions to Hajar Lakh Crores: The tool can convert numbers written in Trillions to Hajar and lakh crore format used in Indian number system.
- Convert Lakhs Crore to Million and Billions: The tool can convert numbers written in Lakh, Crore to Millions, Billions and Trillions format used internationally.
- Convert Million, Billion of currency values in equivalent INR values in Lakh Crore format: The tool can convert amounts written in Millions, Billions, Trillions from currency (USD, AUD, CAD, SGD, EUR and GBP) into its Indian Equivalent INR currency.
International Vs. Indian Number System Format
Here we are given a simple conversion table with free live converter app, it will help in converting and understanding that a Number which is in International system how should we can read in Indian system or vice versa. With the help of this app and table we can easily interchange a number from International to Indian Number system and the vice-versa. We can convert an Amount from USD dollars to Lakh Crore Rupees and vice-versa also true. Along with India, the Indian Number system is used in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal also for representing numbers.
S. N. | International Number System | Indian Number System |
1 | One Thousand (1,000) | One Thousand (1,000) |
2 | Hundred Thousand (100,000) | One Lakh (1,00,000) |
3 | One Million (1,000,000) | Ten Lakh (10,00,000) |
4 | Ten Million (10,000,000) | One Crore (1,00,00,000) |
5 | Hundred Million (100,000,000) | Ten Crore (10,00,00,000) |
6 | One Billion (1,000,000,000) | One Hundred Crore (100,00,00,000) |
7 | Ten Billion (10,000,000,000) | One Thousand Crore (1,000,00,00,000) |
8 | Hundred Billion (100,000,000,000) | Ten Thousand Crore (10,000,00,00,000) |
9 | One Trillion (1,000,000,000,000) | One Lakh Crore (1,00,000,00,00,000) |
10 | Ten Trillion (10,000,000,000,000) | Ten Lakh Crore (10,00,000,00,00,000) |
11 | Hundred Trillion (100,000,000,000,000) | Hundred Lakh Crore (100,00,000,00,00,000) |
Convert Amount from Million Billions Dollars to Lakh Crore Rupees
The tool facilitate to convert Amount from Million, Billion Dollars currency to Indian Rupees Lakh Crore Currency Format. Here you can convert Amount Written in Popular currencies like USD, AUD, GBP, EURO, SGD, CAD to Indian rupees (INR).