Age Calculator

Calculate your age in Years, Months and Days. Just enter your date of birth (DOB) and click on Submit button to get your current age. You can also set a date on which you want to calculate your age. Age is a criteria for applying in many competition exams and also at various age limits rules and regulation.


Age Calculator
Enter Your Date of Birth:अपनी जन्मतिथि दर्ज करें

Day    Month    Year

Enter Date on which you want to calculate: तारीख दर्ज करें

Day     Month     Year

Your Age is आपकी उम्र है

Your Age in Days आपकी उम्र दिनों में

Days left for your next birthday आपका अगला जन्मदिन आने में शेष दिन

The free age calculator required in knowing age for many examination minimum or maximum age is required for applicant. It's very simple and fast way to know how old you are. This age calculator is free. Calculate age for exam form submission.

How old I am today ?

To get your age today, Enter your DOB and Click on submit button. You will get your todays age in Years, months and days. You would also know after how many days your next birthday will come. Nepali people can also check.आयु कैलकुलेटर - आयु की गणना कैसे करे ?

अपनी आयु या उम्र पता करना बहुत आसान है ऊपर दिए गए आयु टूल में अपनी जन्मदिनांक लिखे और अपनी वर्तमान आयु जाने, इस आयु टूल से आप भविष्य के किस वर्ष में आपकी आयु कितनी होगी वह भी जान सकते है यह आयु टूल आज दिनांक तक आपकी आयु के वर्ष , महीने और दिन भी बताता है. सरकारी नौकरी की आयु सीमा की कैलकुलेशन भी करे !

How to Calculate Year, Month and Days ?

All the measures we use to calculate age of any living or non-living things are known as time calculation. The smallest unit in time calculation is a second and after that minutes, hours, days, months and year, decade and century.

Sr. No. Time Units Time Unit
1 1 Second 1 Second
2 60 Seconds 1 Minute
3 60 Minutes 1 Hour
4 24 Hours 1 Day
5 7 Days 1 Week
6 4 Weeks 1 Month
7 12 Months 1 Year
8 10 Years 1 Decade
9 100 Years 1 Century
10 1,000 Years 1 Millennium
11 1,00,00,00,000 (10) Years 1 Billennium

Indian Calculation of Time ?

Along with the international time calculation India has their own time calculation based upon the Puranas and Indian Mathematician. It has many micro units very lesser than a Second. Here are the details of the Indian Time Units and their international equivalent also given for better understanding.

Unit Definition International System of Units
परमाणु आधार इकाई 26.3 Microsecond
अणु 2 परमाणु 52.67 Microsecond
तॄसरेणु 3 अणु 158 Microsecond
त्रुटि 3 तॄसरेणु 474 Microsecond
वेध 100 त्रुटि 47.4 Millisecond
लावा 3 वेध 0.14 Seconds
निमेष 3 लावा 0.43 Seconds
क्षण 3 निमेष 1.28 Seconds
काष्ठा 5 क्षण 6.4 Seconds
लघु 15 काष्ठा 96 Seconds (1.6 minutes)
दण्ड (nadika) 15 लघु 24 Minutes
मुहूर्त 2 दण्ड 48 Minutes
अहोरात्रम 30 मुहूर्त 24 Hours
मास (Month) 30 अहोरात्रम 30 Days
ॠतु (Season) 2 मास 60 Days
अयन 3 ॠतु 6 Month
वर्ष (Year) 2 अयन 12 Months


Important age milestones in India ?

Age is the important eligibility criteria in India for getting various legal documents, licenses and benefit of government schemes in India. There are Minimum age limit is defined for various works in India and you get some benefits also if you cross certain age.

Age Milestone You are Eligible for in India.
New Born Eligible for Aadhar card.
Eligible for PAN card.
Eligible for Passport.
5 Years Eligible for First update of Biometrics in Aadhar card.
6 to 14 years Age between which education has been made a fundamental right
14 years Minimum age limit for employment in a factory
15 Years Eligible for Second update of Biometrics in Aadhar card.
16 years Minimum age for get a Driving license for gearless two-wheeler upto 50cc.
18 years Minimum age for Girls (Female) marriage.
Minimum age for registration as a voter.
Minimum age for get a Driving license.
21 years Minimum age for Boys (Male) marriage.
Minimum age for election as a member of a Panchayat.
Minimum age for election as a member of a Municipality.
25 years Minimum age for election as MP (Lok Sabha)
Minimum age for election as MLA.
30 years Minimum age for election as MP (Rajya Sabha)
Minimum age for election as MLC.
35 years Minimum age for election to the post of President.
Minimum age for election to the post of Vice-President.
Minimum age for election to the post of Governor.
58 years Senior citizen status for Females in Indian Railway.
60 years Senior citizen status
Senior citizen status for Males in Indian Railway.
Senior citizen status as per Income Tax Law.
62 years Upper age limit for appointment as a judge of High court.
Upper age limit for appointment as a member of State Commission.
65 years Upper age limit for appointment as a judge of Supreme Court.
Upper age limit for appointment as a member of a Union Commission.
70 years Every Indian Citizen Eligible for Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB-PM-JAY)
80 years Very Senior citizen status as per Income Tax Law.


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See Also:

1. BMI Calculator

2. Interest Calculator

3. Fixed Deposit (FD) Calculator

4. Recurring Deposit (RD) Calculator

5. EMI Calculator

6. PPF Calculator