Number to Words Converter - Malayalam
Convert your number into Malayalam words. Enter any Number or Amount and click on "Convert in words" button to get your Number in Malayalam language words. This tool gives resultant words in Malayalam as well as in English language. It very easy to Convert your Number into Malayalam words and Amount into Malayalam Indian rupees.
See Also : Malayalam Typing
What is a number to Malayalam words converter ?
The number to Malayalam words converter is a free tool that converts numbers in Malayalam (Grandha Script) word format. Usually we write numbers in digit but sometimes we need to write down the numbers in Malayalam words also to cross check the figure and increase readability of figure. When we write a cheque we have to write down the amount in words also. This app will help you in write a cheque.
The above number to Malayalam word converter gives output in Indian number format that is different from International number format. Here you can read number in Malayalam words and in English words also. Along with number gets converted in words this app also show proper formatting of inputted number by grouping the numbers and places comma at right place.
അക്കങ്ങളെ മലയാളം വാക്കുകളിലേക്ക് മാറ്റുന്ന ഒരു ആപ്പാണ് നമ്പർ ടു മലയാളം വേഡ്സ് കൺവെർട്ടർ. സംഖ്യയോ തുകയോ ക്രോസ്-ചെക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നതിനും വായനാക്ഷമത വർദ്ധിപ്പിക്കുന്നതിനും സംഖ്യയെ വാക്കുകളാക്കി മാറ്റുന്നത് നല്ലതാണ്.
How to read number in Malayalam words ?
You can convert and read number in words in 5 different formats:
1. Read Number in Malayalam Words - Here you can convert and read number in Malayalam language written in Malayalam (Grandha) script. The resultant Malayalam words are in Unicode Malayalam font.
2. Read Number in Currency words Malayalam - This converter shows amount in Malayalam words also, so you can write your cheque in Malayalam language too. The text you get is in Unicode Malayalam font which are universal in nature.
3. Read Number in English language words (International format) - You can convert any number in International format i.e. Million, Billion format. Reading of number is different in International and Indian format. The international format uses Million, Billion, Trillion etc. and uses of separates (comma) usually placed after every three digits. While in Malayalam Indian format separates are placed after every two digits.
4. Read Number in English Words (Indian format) - You can read number in English words in Indian number format that have lakh and Crore instead of million and billion of international number format. Here you change case of words in various format like - Sentence case, Title Case, Capital case, Lower case and Upper case.
5. Number in Currency words - You can convert Numbers in Indian Rupees format, that will useful in cheque writing. Convert your amount figure in words and write down on cheque. This would avoid errors in cheque writing and saves cheque leaf's.
Frequently Asked Questions ?
Question: How many zero in 1 Lac ( ലക്ഷം ) ?
Answer: 1 Lac have 5 zero.
Question: How many zero in 10 Lac ( പത്തുലക്ഷം ) ?
Answer: 10 Lac have 6 zero.
Question: How many zero in 1 Crore ( ഒരു കോടി ) ?
Answer: 1 Crore have 7 zero.
Question: How many zero in 10 Crore ( പത്തു കോടി ) ?
Answer: 10 Core have 8 zero.