Number to Words Converter - Indian Rupees

Enter Number or Amount

(Enter Number between 1 to 999999999 without comma)
In Words (International Format) Change Case  
In Words English
Change Case  
In Rupees English
Change Case  
In Words Hindi Change Font  
In Rupees Hindi Change Font  
Enter Amount to Convert :

Convert Number or Amount in words, The amount you enter here will convert in words in both English and Hindi language. It's a free tool to help you in day to day task. Just enter the amount and click on "Convert in Words" button you will get your number, converted in words. You can copy resultant words and use it anywhere you want.

It's a free but powerful number to word converter that gives output in Indian Rupees format also, useful for complete your task and save lots of time. It converts number into words in English and Hindi both languages. It's also shows number or amount in words in Hindi and English in Indian Currency and Indian Counting format and words. Along with resultant number in words, you also see proper comma separation figure in result. It will greatly increase the readability of the number or amount you have entered. Here the comma separation will appear in both international and Indian format.

The Number to words converter also has inbuilt currency converter. Whatever amount you enter here for convert in words also shows that amount equivalent in other international currencies like USD. It will help you in convert amount from INR to USD or any other currency in the world. Here you can check exchange rate of one currency to another currency.

For example :

Amount  = 1000000

Then you would see following results: 

A.  In Words (International Format)  = One million

B.  In Words English = Ten Lakh

C.  In Rupees English = Ten Lakh Rupees and Zero Paisa Only

D.  In Words Hindi = दस लाख 

E.  In Rupees Hindi = दस लाख रुपये एवं शून्य पैसा

F. From INR to USD = 12,059.817

Along with above results in words you also get proper comma separation of the amount as per Indian or international format.

See Also:

1. Large Number - Number to Words Converter Upto 21 Digits

2. International Million-Billion Format - Convert Number to Words

3. Multiple Numbers/ Multi Line Number to Words Converter - Convert Multiple Number/ Lines to Words In One Click or Copy From MS Excel

4. Calculator with Number to words Converter

5. Convert Hindi Unicode to Krutidev font

What is a number to word converter ?

A number to word converter is tool that converts numbers in word format. Usually we write numbers in digit but sometimes we need to write down the numbers in words also to cross check the number and increase readability of number. When we write a cheque we have to write down the amount in words also. This app will help you in write a cheque.

The above number to word converter gives output in Indian number format that is different from International number format. Here you can read number in English words and in Devanagari Hindi words too.

How to read number in words ?

You can convert and read number in words in 5 different formats:

1. Number to Words in International format - You can convert any number in International format i.e. Million, Billion format. Reading of number is different in International and Indian format. The international format uses Million, Billion, Trillion etc. and uses of separates (comma) usually placed after every three digits. While in Indian format we use Lakh, Crore, Arab etc. and separates placed after every two digits.

2. Number in English Words (Indian format) - You can read number in English words in Indian number format that have lakh and crores instead of million and billion of international number format. Here you change case of words in various format like - Sentence case, Title Case, Capital case, Lower case and Upper case.

3. Number in Hindi Words - Here you can convert and read number in Hindi language written in Devanagari script. The resultant Hindi words are in Unicode Hindi font you can convert them in krutidev font also.

4. Number in Currency words - You can convert Numbers in Indian Rupees format, that will useful in cheque writing. Convert your amount in words and write down on cheque. This would avoid errors in cheque writing and saves cheque leaf's.

5. Number in Currency words Hindi - This converter shows amount in Hindi words also, so you can write your cheque in Hindi language too. The text you get is in Unicode Hindi font. If you wish you can convert Unicode text in Krutidev.

How to convert Multiple Numbers or Multiline number list ?

You can convert multiple numbers to words in one click. Just places numbers in a list to be convert and get a list in words. You can enter number in given box or copy a number list from MS Excel and paste on multiline numbers to word converter to convert all number in one click. The numbers can be convert in various format of your choice and both in Hindi and English language.

How to Convert Number in words in MS Excel ?

MS Excel is widely used office tool for general record keeping and accounting purpose. You can make your own number to words converter macro for use in MS excel. This would avail all of your Numbers in words in one click. You can have two types of macro for converting number in words using MS excel.

1. Number to words converter in MS excel (i.e. Million, Billion - international format)

2. Number to Words converter in MS excel in Indian format (i.e. Lakh, Crore)

Frequently Asked Questions ?

Question: How many zero in 1 Lakh (लाख) ?

Answer: 1 Lakh (Lac) have 5 zero.

Question: How many zero in 1 Crore (करोड़) ?

Answer: 1 Crore have 7 zero.

Question: How many zero in 1 Arab (अरब) ?

Answer: 1 Arab have 9 zero.

Question: How many zero in 1 Kharab (खरब) ?

Answer: 1 Kharab have 11 zero.